Spring Cleaning Hack

Spring Cleaning Hack
Struggling to clean out your closet? Follow these 5 steps for getting rid of clothes that are sitting there taking up space.
  1. Have I worn this garment in the past year? If not, it's gotta go.
  2. Does the garment fit me today? If the answer is no, donate it!
  3. Does the garment fit my lifestyle? We go through many stages of life: high school, college, career, raising a family, working from home. With all those life changes, your wardrobe will also change.
  4. Is the garment in style? Are you keeping it because you think it will come back in style someday? No, donate it.
  5. Does this garment still have tags on it? If so, time to find it a new home.
    Try these few hacks and let us know how it worked!




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